Baby Formula Guides
How To Stop Milk Production If Not Breastfeeding
To reduce milk production, try gradual weaning, expressing just enough milk to ease discomfort, avoiding stimulation, cabbage leaf therapy, over-the-counter drugs, and get assistance. Weaning can be an emotional rollercoaster, but it’s important to remember that you are not alone. Be kind to your body!
Newborn Not Pooping But Passing Gas
The consistency of your baby's poop can vary depending on their age and diet. For breastfed babies, the stool is typically loose or runny, resembling mustard or cottage cheese. Formula-fed babies tend to have firmer stools with a paste-like consistency. With each month of a newborn's development, child poop changes.
Foods to Avoid When Breastfeeding
While maintaining a healthy and balanced diet is crucial during this time, it's equally important to be aware of the foods that might have adverse effects on your baby through breast milk. Certain foods, such as highly caffeinate beverages, spicy dishes, and foods with potential allergic properties should be avoided.
Understanding Infant Iron Requirements
European baby formulas not only meet but often exceed the iron content requirements established by the European Food and Safety Authorities (EFSA). Unlike single stage formulas in the USA, European baby formulas adhere to specific nutritional requirements differentiating between 0–6 months and 6–12 months.
Aptamil Formula: Parents Guide
Aptamil Baby Formula closely mimics the composition of breast milk, providing essential nutrients for healthy growth and development. Whether used as a supplement to breastfeeding or as a standalone feeding option, Aptamil offers versatility to accommodate different feeding preferences.
How Long Does Formula Last?
Parents often mis-read the expiration dates on non-American baby formulas. No stress! All European baby formulas are manufactured and packaged in accordance with strict requirements to ensure the health and safety of your baby. Each box or canister will be clearly marked with the use-by date and storage instructions.
Best Non GMO Formula
Baby formulas that are labeled as "Non-GMO" are specifically formulated to exclude any ingredients that have been genetically modified through the use of genetic engineering techniques. This means that the ingredients used in these formulas have not had their DNA artificially altered in any way.
Halal Baby Formula Guide
For Muslim parents, the significance of halal baby formula goes beyond mere nutrition. Finding a Halal baby formula can be challenging, but it shouldn't necessarily be! There are many options, such as Kendamil and Aptamil that your baby can have which can adhere to Halal standards.
Oil In Infant Formula
When reading the labels of baby formula, it's important to consider the type and amount of oils included, especially those that provide essential fatty acids such as DHA and ARA, which are important for infant brain and eye development. Some commonly used oils in baby formula include vegetable oils like soybean, sunflower, and safflower oil, as well as palm oil and coconut oil. However, it's important to be aware that some oils, like palm oil, may have potential health risks and may be listed under different names on the label.
Best Formula For Colic
If your baby cries seemingly for hours but is neither hungry nor sleepy, this can be diagnosed as infant colic. Certain baby formulas can be helpful for relieving symptoms of colic. Find out about home remedies you can try with your colicky baby, as well as what types of formula can help a baby that suffers from colic.
Goat Milk Formula Comparison Guide
Goat milk formula is popular with parents who have a baby that experiences lactose sensitivity, has digestive difficulties, or mild skin irritations caused by cow milk. Goat milk is lower in calories than cow milk, has more calcium, and contains less saturated fat. Many babies who don't tolerate cow milk use goat milk.
Kosher Baby Formula Guide
Kosher baby formula refers to infant formula that is prepared and manufactured according to the dietary laws (Kashrut) observed by Jewish individuals and families. Identifying kosher certification on baby formula products requires careful attention to the labeling and packaging. The kosher symbols or indicators are usually displayed prominently on the product, allowing for easy recognition.
HiPP HA vs. HiPP Comfort Comparison
If your baby suffers milk protein sensitivity, parents can turn to several different hydrolyzed baby formulas which may help with digestion and reduce some common skin irritations. HiPP Comfort and HiPP HA are the two most popular formulas for infants with dietary restrictions. Learn the differences between them.
Source of Carbohydrates in Baby Formula
European and American baby formulas use fundamentally different sources of carbohydrates. European formulas are lactose-based, whereas American formulas are corn syrup or sugar based. Carbohydrate is the primary source of energy for a baby, and lactose is one type of carbohydrate. Parents prefer lactose to corn syrup.
Alternative to Kendamil Organic & Kendamil Classic
Parents impacted by Kendamil Organic and Kendamil Classic outages have 4 main options for similar formulas which may be suitable for their baby, and 1 formula especially similar in nutritional values and ingredient composition. If you need a substitute formula for Kendamil, this article will help you navigate formulas.
Alternatives to Kendamil Goat
With Kendamil Goat unavailable in the market, parents are on the lookout for an alternative formula. There are 4 similar formulas to Kendamil Goat. Choose a substitute baby formula that is similar in ingredients and nutrient composition. Pediatricians agree that many alternatives to Kendamil Goat are equally good.
Lactose Free Baby Formula: Ultimate Guide
Lactose intolerance is NOT the same as milk protein allergies and milk protein sensitivity. You need to discuss your baby’s symptoms with your pediatrician for the right diagnosis. If your baby has tummy troubles, you need to know if they have a cow's milk allergy, lactose intolerance, or a cow's protein sensitivity.
Baby Formula Without Corn Syrup & Without Sugar
More than ever, parents are realizing the long term negative impacts sugar can have on childhood development. Sugar-free formula options can set your little one up for healthy development. Understand the different sources of sugar in infant formulas so that you can choose the best one for your baby's ongoing nutrition.
Kabrita Baby Formula: The Ultimate 2023 Guide
Kabrita baby formulas are gentle, naturally mild, and high-quality goat milk-based formula. All stages contain valuable nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that are essential to the growth of babies. Kabrita supports parents' need an alternative feeding option through nutritious and high-quality baby formulas.
HiPP German vs. HiPP UK Formula
Two of the most popular HiPP brands are HiPP German and HiPP UK. While they are mostly similar, there are a few important differences. Although breastfeeding is the gold standard of infant nutrition, both HiPP German and HiPP UK formulas are hugely popular with parents. Make the right decision for your baby's nutrition
How to Measure Baby Formula Without Scoop
Every formula includes a measuring scoop which is precise to a specific formula - but if you lose it, you can still measure the right amount of formula. Baby formula is strictly controlled and needs to be mixed properly in order to deliver the necessary nutrients that your baby needs. Mix baby formula as intended.
Key Aspects of Infant Nutrition New Moms Need to Know
As a new parent, there is so much information to know about nutrition for your baby. The building blocks of a healthy start to life can be summarized by understanding the 3 key components of infant nutrition. Learn about sources of infant energy, infant vitamins, and infant minerals that are needed for healthy growth.
Can You Reheat Baby Formula?
Life is unexpected. Parents are living busier lifestyles than ever before, and sometimes we aren't able to immediately use formula that we've made. Never fear, there are ways to recover it! Know how many times you can reheat formula, and what the safest way to reheat formula is - even when without a bottle warmer.
When Do Babies Stop Drinking Formulas?
There is no "one size fits all" rule when it comes to weaning your baby off of formula. Many parents continue feeding formula as an important dietary supplement to their toddlers food regime. Baby formula is a nutritious and healthy alternative to breast milk that can help your little one get their important nutrients.